Hari Krishnamurthy's blog

Sunday, 17 April 2011

free counters To: 1.While eating a morsel of food,there should be no left over from that morsel in the hand. In other words, partial eating of a morsel is forbidden. 2.While eating in a group, all should try to eat at the same speed. In other words, one should adjust his speed of eating to that of others in the group. Food should not be scattered outside the bhojanapatram. Food fallen on the ground should not be eaten. One who indulges in this will have to observe chAndrAyanam. 3. Aiyam(Ghee or clarified butter) should be served before performing prAnAhuti. If not done so, Ajyam can not be eaten subsequently. 4.Differentiation or showing special attention to a few only in a group(pankthibedam) entails Brahmahattidosham, say knowledgeable persons. 5.When several Brahmanas are being fed in a pankti (row), even if one Brahmana gets up, the rest should abandon eating. But before the said person gets up, if a line with water is drawn on either side of the Bhojanapatram of the person getting up, others can continue to eat. Knowledgeable people say that a pankti can be broken with agni, water, ash etc. 6. If Brahmanas sitting and eating in a row, touch each other, the food that was being eaten should be discarded. If eaten despite this injunction, he shall perform 108 times Gayatri Japam. (to be continued) G.Balasubramanian ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: G. Balasubramanian Date: Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 6:30 PM Subject: Fwd: {viprasamhitha} BHOJANA NIYAMAMS---------3 To: This is in continuation of what has been stated in the previous serial posting. 1.Water, pAyasam and Aposanam should not be drunk/consumed by making sound. If consumed by creating sound that action is equivalent to consuming liquor(surApAnam). 2.Uttering/singing the name of the Lord (Vishnu) while eating, does not result in breaking silence ( mounabhangam). Names of other devatAs are not to be taken while eating. While consuming every morsel of food, it is traditional to utter "Govinda, Govinda". There is a school of thought according to which grihastas need not observe silence while eating. But necessity for observance of silence up to the stage of PrAnAhuti is conceded by all. 3.After completion of PrAnAhuti,, liquid or watery and sweet dishes like pAyasam etc.should be consumed. In the middle,saltish, sour and hard substances and in the end, bitter and liquid dishes must be consumed. One who eats this way remains healthy and strong. 4.SanyAsis can eat 8 morsels of food, vAnaprastha 16 morsels, grihasta 32 morsels, and Brahmachari without any ceiling. 5. Food should not be eaten in the vicinity of temples and burning ghat, bysitting on bed,while travelling in a vehicle etc. The bhojanapAtram or plate should not be kept on the lap while eating. 6.According to manusmrti, husband and wife should not eat together. Husband should not look at wife while she eats. 7. Food should be eaten with right hand only. While eating food if one wants to drink water ,he can drink water from a tumbler held left hand, but the right hand should touch the BhojanapAtram. (to be continued) G.Balasubramanian ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: G. Balasubramanian Date: Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 2:55 PM Subject: {viprasamhitha} BHOJANA NIYAMAMS---------2 To: viprasamhitha Certain discussions on ChitrAhuti in this forum have been going on. That prompted me to share my knowledge on the Bhojana Niyamam or Vidhi. I have changed the heading and attempt my further posting on the above-mentioned subject. 1.Food is always worshipable(अन्नं न निन्द्यात्-----तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद् 3.7.1). Food that is worshiped gives strength and energy to the eater. 2.Food should not be served with bare hand. It should be served through spoons of appropriate shape and size. 3. One should bow in reverence and devotion with folded hands to food and pray that such food should be available to him in future also. 4. Abhimantranam of food should be done with VyAhrti and GAyatri. Parishechanam should be done with the mantram "Satyam tvartena" in morning time and with "rtamtvA satyena in evening time. Water left in hand used for doing parishechanam in pradakshina mode should not be used for Aposanam. Separate water should be taken in hand for aposanam. If the food is touched by hand without doing Aposanam, that food is equal to non-vegetarian food. If one eats such a food he needs to perform what is known as chAndrAyanam. 5.Small quantity of annam should be gulped with chanting the five names of vAyu followed by 'svAha" each time--- om prAnAya svAhA, om apAnAya svAha, etc. etc. Such Annam should be taken with the help of thumb finger,middle finger and ring finger and homam shall be done in the mouth with svAhAkAram. Such annam should not be bitten with teeth. It should be gulped with the help of toungue. Observance of silence at this time is a must. 6.While performing PrAnAhuti as above, the left hand should touch the bhojanapAtram. The sixth Ahuti viz., Brahmane svAha is called the AtmAhuti. The devatAs for whom the Ahutis are intended are Sun, Moon, Fire, Air, parjanya and Parabrahmam respectively. (to be continued) courtesy G.Balasubramanian -- //न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रं इह विद्यते// //अन्येषां अभिप्रायाणां आदरं सदा यच्छन्तु l कदापि परेषां भावान् स्मरन्तु ll
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