ALWAYS START ANYTHING- WITH LORD GANESHA FIRST. The Process has to be with the INCEPTION Thinking- means I will think Lord Ganesha and then start- not words. No - the Process of Thinking itself commences with Lord Ganesh- ( Activate- CPH4)-

-The Process of thinking starts by thinking Lord Ganesha- I will never say it is difficult or impossible- That is where Shraddha comes.
SANSKRIT IS A LANGUAGE OF PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION OF SWARAS- THALAMS- RAGAM- Many people will this has to read and spelt like that - like this blah blah.
Goddess Saraswathi only knows.
Lord Ganesha- Lord Hanuman- Lankeswaran alias Ravanan- were the Expert in Samveda- which Made Lord Shiva Come down
Another Small ex- The Word HARI has two Meanings- One Indication Lord and Monkey. The pronounciation makes the Distinction.
So to counter- Only Shradha and sincerity can counter balance - if any wrong pronounciation
Small ex OM= 2/3 Stress on "O" and 1/3 on "M" not Just Abrupt- OM- it is "OOOMM"
1. 1.
1. The Ganesha Mantra – How chanting Lord Ganesh Mantra can bring Benefits, Wealth and Prosperity :- There are various chants or mantras associated with Lord Ganesha like the Ganesh Maha Mantra, Ganesha Mool mantra or Ganesha Beeja Mantra, the Shaktivinayak Mantra, the Rinn harta mantra, Trailokya Mohan Kar Ganesha Mantra, Haridra Ganesh Mantra etc. When you are wondering how to make Lord Ganesha happy, the Ganesh Mantras will take you one step closer to your aim in life and always shower Lord Ganesha's blessings upon you. Some of the most powerful Ganesha Mantras are:
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2. The Shaktivinayak Mantra – "Om Hreeng Greeng Hreeng" The Shaktivinayak Ganesh mantra is incanted for financial success and prosperity. In Hindi, Shakti means power and Vinayak means 'the Supreme master'. The Shaktivinayak chant is a powerful Ganesha mantra for good health and good luck. This mantra is typically recommended to be repeated 108 times in the proper way (see section below)
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3. The Vakratunda Mahakaya Shlok Mantra "Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa" "वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटि समप्रभ निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा" The meaning in English of this Lord Ganesha mantra (actually in Sanskrit) is – "O one with a majestic trunk, a massive form and the radiance of a million suns, I pray to you to remove the obstacles from all my endeavors, always."
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4. One of the most important and also one of the most common Ganpati Mantras, this is the Ganesh mantra for wealth, and is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Goddess Riddhi (Hindu Goddess of Prosperity prosperity) and Goddess Siddhi (Hindu Goddess of spiritual enlightenment).
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5. The Vedic Scriptures say that chanting this mantra 1,25,000 times in the proper way (see section below) invokes Lord Ganesha to remove every obstacle between you and your well-being. This mantra combines devotion, gratitude and the power of Sanskrit articulation to help you achieve wealth, wisdom, good luck, prosperity and success in all your endeavors.
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6. Siddhi Vinayak Mantra: "Om Namo Siddhi Vinayakaya Sarva kaarya kartrey Sarva vighna prashamnay Sarvarjaya Vashyakarnaya Sarvajan Sarvastree Purush Aakarshanaya Shreeng Om Swaha." The Siddhi Vinayak mantra is also one of the most important Ganesh mantras. The word 'Siddhi Vinayak' in Hindi means 'the God of Achievement and Enlightenment'. This Sanskrit Ganesha mantra is recited 108 times in the proper way (see section below) to achieve peace, prosperity, Siddhi (Achievement) of spiritual enlightenment, material fulfillment and strong social influence.
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7. The meaning in English of the Siddhi Vinayak Ganesha mantra is:- "O Lord of Wisdom and Happiness, only you make every endeavor and everything possible; You are the remover of all obstacles and you have enchanted every being in the Universe, you are the Lord of all women and all men, amen"
8. 8.
8. Ganesh Moola Mantra: "Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gum Ganapataye Vara Varad Sarvajan janmay Vashamanaye Swaha Tatpurushaye Vidmahe Vakratundaye Dhimahi Tanno Danti Prachodyat Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi" The Ganesha Mool Mantra is also known as the Ganesha Beeja mantra or the Bija mantra. In Hindi, 'Beej' means seed – the source of everything in the universe. This powerful mantra combines several of the Ganpathi beeja mantras, especially the beeja or the seed sonic vibration associated with Lord Ganapati –'Gum'.
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9. The Ganesh Mool mantra is the most succinct and powerful Lord Ganesha mantra of all. This mantra celebrates the unique and divine form of God Ganapathy (Ganesha) and his powers. The Ganesha Mool Mantra, beginning with the incantation of 'Om' evokes positivity, purity, energy and the presence of Lord Ganpati in one's life.
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10. The God Ganesh mool mantra is believed to create a powerful aura around one's body because of the cosmic energy in the sound vibrations of the Sanskrit words. This mantra is uniquely musical and lifts the mind to a state of trance. Lord Ganesha Mool Mantra in Tamil or in any other language is also very powerful and is widely chanted during Puja's and Yagya's to please Lord Ganesha. It brings peace, good luck, success and removes all obstacles from one's life if incanted in the proper way.
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11. The Rinn harta Mantra – "Om Ganesh Rinnam Chhindhi Varenyam Hoong Namaah Phutt" Rinn Harta is another name for Lord Ganesha and the English meaning of which is 'The giver of wealth'. In Hindi, the meaning of Rinn harta or Rhinaharta is derived from the words Rinn or Rinnam meaning debt and 'harta' meaning remover. The Rinn harta mantra or the Rhinaharta mantra is the Lord Ganesha mantra for wealth and prosperity in life as Lord Ganesha is requested to keep debts and poverty away and bring abundance in life. In North Indian Hindu culture, and also in Tamil, this powerful Lord Ganesha mantra for business is recited especially at the puja (prayer service) to summon God Ganesh and request his blessings before a new business or a new venture is begun.
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12. The Ganesh Mantra – "Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Glaung Gang Ganapataye Var Varad SarvaJanmay Vashmanay Tha Tha." The Ganesha Mantra is one of the most important Lord Ganesha chants. This is the first mantra to be chanted every time Lord Ganesha is worshipped, especially on Ganesh Chaturthi (the birthday of Lord Ganesha). This mantra is incanted in the proper way (see section below) to request Lord Ganesha to shower blessings, prosperity and success and to remove all obstacles that lie in one's way. The meaning in Hindi of the Ganesha Mantra is very beautiful and poetic. God Ganapathi has been called the source of all life, of all creation in the universe. He is being thanked and praised for his divinity and blessings in one's life.
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13. What are the benefits of Lord Ganesha mantra?:- The chanting or the 'Jaapa' of Lord Ganesh mantra is considered very auspicious. The chanting of Sanskrit mantras, or their equivalent Tamil Ganesha mantras, is known to activate the mind and the various chakras of the body. This leads to better blood circulation and therefore improved metabolic rate in the body.
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14. In the Ganapati Upanished, the Lord Ganesha beeja mantra 'Om Gum Ganapataaye Namah' is mentioned. It is believed that this mantra should be recited before beginning a new venture, like entering a business deal or signing a contract, so that Lord Ganpati brings success, wealth, good luck and peace.
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15. In the Ganesh Purana, the mantra 'Om Vakratundaya Hum' is mentioned a lot of times. It is believed that the recitation of this Ganesh Mantra removes every enemy from one's path and brings clarity and focus in the vision. Chanting this Ganesha Mantra 1,008 times also removes fear and sets twisted paths and minds straight.
16. 16. Correct way to recite Ganesha Mantras:
16. There are certain things one must keep in mind before he begins the incantation of God Ganesh mantras, like:- 1. Bathe or Wash your hands and feet before beginning the prayer service. 2. Devote yourself completely to Lord Ganesha and open yourself to the positivity of the Universe. 3. Be regular in your chanting for 48 days at least and follow your routine with dedication. 4. Chant the mantras 108 times on the beads of the rosary (Maala) every day.
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17. Once you have dedicated your inner self to Lord Ganesha, you shall receive the benefits and the results of Lord Ganesha mantras very quickly. You can chant God Ganesha mantras for happiness, wealth, good health and good luck, and witness your life transform before your very eyes. Additionally, you can also listen to the audio of Lord Ganesha mantras.
18. 18. Special Ganesha Mantras
18. Aum Shri Ganeshaya Namah:- "Praise to Lord Ganesha". This is the mantra of prayer, love and adoration. It is chanted to get Ganesha's blessings for the positive starting of a project, work or simply to offer him the praise.
19. 19. Aum Gan Ganapatye Namah
19. Aum Gan Ganapatye Namah:- This is Lord Ganesha's mula ("root") mantra .It is also known as his ''beej'' Mantra. This mantra is used for Yoga Sadhana in which we pray to Lord Ganesha and merge ourself with the supreme knowledge and peace. This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One can always use it before starting any new venture so that success comes without any hassle.
20. 20. Aum Vakratundaya Hum
20. Aum Vakratundaya Hum:- This is a powerful mantra from Ganesha Purana. When things are not in your favour, or when the minds of the people turn negative, depressed or discouraged, the attention of Ganesha may be drawn by this mantra to straighten their ways. The HUM symbolizes "Delay no more, my Lord, in straightening the paths of the crooked-minded ones." This mantra is used many a times in the Ganesha Purana to reduce the violence of cruel demons. In addition, this mantra could also be used for healing any spinal problem, such as curvature of the spine or curved limbs. Dedicate 1,008 repetitions of this holy word to straighten and heal such deficiencies.
21. 21. Aum Kshipra Prasadaya Namah
21. Aum Kshipra Prasadaya Namah:- Kshipra means immediate. If some danger or negative energy is coming your way and you don't know how to get rid of that danger, with true devotion, practice this mantra for quick blessing and purification of one's aura.
22. 22. Aum Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye vara varada sarva janamme vashamanaya svaha
22. Aum Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye vara varada sarva janamme vashamanaya svaha:- There are several beej (seed) mantras in this mantra. Among other things, it says, "Shower Your blessings, O Lord. I offer my ego as an oblation."
23. 23. Aum Sumukhaya Namah
23. Aum Sumukhaya Namah:- This mantra has a lot of meaning, in simple terms, it means you will be always very beautiful in soul, in spirit, in face, everything. By meditating on this mantra, very pleasing manners and a beauty comes on you. Along with that comes peace, which constantly works in your eyes; and the words you speak are all filled with that power of love.
24. 24. Aum Ekadantaya Namah
24. Aum Ekadantaya Namah:- Ekadanta refers to one tusk in the elephant face, which means God broke the duality and made you to have a complete one-pointed mind. Whoever has that oneness of mind and single-minded devotion will achieve everything.
25. 25. Aum Kapilaya Namah
25. Aum Kapilaya Namah:- Kapila (red) means that you are able to give colour therapy. You are able to create colours around yourself and around others, soak them in that colour and heal them. As per the mantra you create, so will you create the colors. Another meaning is "wish cow," the "cow of plenty." It means that whatever you wish, that comes true. There is a wish-cow inside you. Whatever you wish, especially for curing others, comes true instantly.
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